The Aging and Disability Resource Center provides information about and referrals to aging and disability information, programs and services.
Seniors, Adults, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
An apostille/certificate of authentication is a document intended for international use and is obtained only through the Kentucky Secretary of State's Office.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Licenses & Certifications, Online Services, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Office of Vital Statistics Kentucky birth order information.
Adults, Children, Families, Licenses & Certifications, Online Services, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Boarding homes are required to register to do business in Kentucky. The annual registration fee for a boarding home is $100. To apply to operate a boarding home, contact the Food Safety Branch at (502) 564-7181.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
There are two services programs available: National Family Caregiver Support Program and Kentucky Family Caregiver Program.
Seniors, Adults, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
Process to request certificates of free sale or export for Kentucky dairy food processors
Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Food Safety Branch may issue a certificate of free sale to Kentucky food processing establishments regulated by and in good standing with state Department of Public Health.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Health Care Access Branch is responsible for registering charitable health care organizations in Kentucky.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
CHFS COVID-19 Resources, News, Information
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Providers
The Child Care Assistance Program provides subsidies to help families pay for child care.
Children, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
Healthy Start in Child Care is a Kids NOW Initiative providing consultation on health, safety and nutrition to child care providers.
Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Child Support Enforcement in the Department for Income Support provides assistance to parents with minor children seeking financial support from a noncustodial parent. Every child has a legal right to financial support from both parents.
Children, Families, Online Services, Department for Income Support (DIS)
Chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure make life difficult for many. Learning to manage these conditions can make life easier. The Department for Aging and Independent Living is offering help through the Chronic Disease Self Management Program.
Seniors, Adults, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
Use this form to request a personal appearance from DCBS Commissioner's Office officials.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Online Services, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
Many licensure boards in Kentucky require continuing education on HIV/AIDS (please check with your licensure board for specifics).
Department for Public Health (DPH)
COVID-19 Case Incidence Rate Maps
Seniors, Adults, Children, Providers
Daily COVID-19 State Data Summaries
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Office of Vital Statistics Kentucky death certificate order information.
Adults, Children, Families, Licenses & Certifications, Online Services, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program health initiative is designed to reduce new cases of type 2 diabetes and the sickness, disability and death associated with diabetes and its complications.
Seniors, Adults, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Training Finder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network (TRAIN) is the premier learning resource for public health professionals. TRAIN allows users to find and register quickly for many courses, track personal learning with online transcripts, access valuable resources including course reviews and participate in discussions to improve the TRAIN learning experience.
Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Electronic Death Registration System (KY-EDRS).
Online Services, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Electronic Plan of Correction (ePOC) application will eliminate the need for paper-based communication between Certified Nursing Home providers and the Office of Inspector General when submitting and reviewing plans of correction.
Providers, Office of the Secretary (OS)
We appreciate your interest in employment with the Kentucky local health departments. To be considered for employment opportunities, an application must be completed. A resume will not substitute.
Adults, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Matching families with experienced mentor parents who provide emotional support and assistance accessing information and resources.
Children, Families, Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs (OCSHCN)
Choosing the right caregiver is one of the most important decisions that a family can make. Get as much information as you can to make sure the choice you make is the best one.
Children, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
The Kentucky Food Code reflects the 2013 FDA Food Code.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The food manufacturing program oversees establishments that formulate and process foods for wholesale distribution and grain storage facilities and food storage warehouses.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
FRYSC CORPS is an AmeriCorps program partnering with the Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers to help students who struggle to read well and support FRYSCs.
Children, Families, Department for Family Resource Centers and Volunteer Services (DFRCVS)
HANDS is a voluntary home visitation program for any new or expectant parents. HANDS supports families as they build healthy, safe environments for the optimal growth and development of children.
Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Hart-Supported Living program provides funds for supports to help Kentuckians with disabilities live in their homes and communities and avoid institutionalization.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
The Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Designation program assesses and submits data based on federal criteria on shortages of primary medical care, dental or mental health providers.
Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI)/Antibiotic Resistance (AR) Prevention Program aims to eliminate and prevent HAIs and AR organisms.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Help Me Grow Kentucky is a free, confidential call center for families, health providers and community service providers offering developmental screening and connections to local services and learning activities that support healthy growth for children from birth to age 5.
Children, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Help Me Grow Kentucky es un centro de llamadas gratis y confidencial para familias, proveedores de servicios de salud y proveedores de servicios comunitarios ofreciendo exámenes de desarrollo y conexión a servicios locales y actividades de aprendizaje que apoyan el crecimiento saludable para niños de 0 a 5 años.
Children, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Hemophilia Program, administered by the Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs (OCSHCN), provides ongoing care to children and adults with hemophilia and other rare bleeding disorders.
Children, Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs (OCSHCN)
Early detection of HIV infection is vital to saving lives and minimizing the effects of AIDS. Of the 3,600 AIDS cases diagnosed in the last 10 years 24 percent were infected and infectious for 10 or more years before ever being testing.
Adults, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Home and Community Based (HCB) Waiver program provides services and support to elderly people or children and adults with disabilities to help them to remain in or return to their homes.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Home-based processing regulation and registration.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Register home births with the Office of Vital Statistics.
Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Homecare Program provides supports and services for daily needs as well as coordination among caregivers and provider agencies to help adults at risk of institutional care remain in their own homes.
Seniors, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
Information and resources for Kentucky Immunization Registry contributors.
Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The John Chafee Independence Program is a federally funded program designed to teach youth aged twelve (12) and over who are in out of home care or who were formerly in care, the skills they need to be self-sufficient when they leave care. These services are provided to all eligible youth regardless of permanency goals. To sign up for an independent living program contact the Independent Living Coordinator in your region.
Seniors, Adults, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
The J-1 Visa Waiver program helps the public and private health sectors qualify to employ international medical graduates to serve health professional shortage or a medically underserved areas and populations.
Department for Public Health (DPH)
KARES offers an enhanced pre-employment background check screening through an electronic interface called KARES (Kentucky Applicant Registry and Employment Screening System). This background check process enables automatic abuse registry checks, including ongoing registry checks after employment date, as well as fingerprint based background checks through Kentucky State Police (KSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
Providers, Office of the Secretary (OS)
KASPER is a controlled substance prescription monitoring system designed to be a source of information to assist practitioners and pharmacists with providing medical and pharmaceutical patient care using controlled substance medications.
Providers, Office of the Secretary (OS)
Kentucky All STARS is the expanded five-star quality rating and improvement system for type I, type II and certified family child care homes.
Families, Providers, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
Statewide early intervention program providing services to children with developmental disabilities from birth to age 3 and their families.
Adults, Children, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The web-based, statewide Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) collects and reports immunization data.
Providers, Online Services, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Integrated Child Care System (KICCS) Portal is a web-based application used by child care providers, Quality Enhancement Initiative staff, STARS quality coordinators and professional development counselors.
Providers, Online Services, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
The Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE) seeks to expand and sustain a comprehensive, equitable recovery-oriented system of care to end the opioid epidemic that has reached into every community in Kentucky.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Online Services, Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID)
The Kentucky Outreach and Information Network (KOIN) newsletter is an informative newsletter developed for KOIN members to help stay informed on preparedness efforts in Kentucky with an emphasis on vulnerable populations.
Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Recovery Housing Network (KRHN) works to evaluate and improve standards and measures of quality for all levels of recovery residences.
Adults, Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Online Services, Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID)
Kentucky Strengthening Families (KYSF) is a partnership of more than 20 organizations dedicated to promoting protective factors in services and supports for children and their families.
Children, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) is the monetary assistance program established using federal funds from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant. KTAP provides financial and medical assistance to needy dependent children in Kentucky and the parents or relatives with whom the children live. KTAP also helps families find jobs or get training that leads to a job.
Adults, Children, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
Kentucky Transitions helps people move out of nursing facilities or institutions and into their own homes.
K HELPS registers health professionals, applies emergency credentialing standards and verifies prospective volunteers for rapid deployment in the event of a public health emergency.
Department for Public Health (DPH)
The KI-HIPP Medicaid program helps eligible Kentuckians pay employer-sponsored insurance premiums, the amount paid to your health insurance company for coverage.
Adults, Children, Families, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
LIHEAP is a federally-funded program to help eligible low-income households meet their home heating and/or cooling needs.
Children, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
Office of Vital Statistics Kentucky marriage and divorce order information.
Adults, Families, Licenses & Certifications, Online Services, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Applying for Medicaid is easy. Medicaid contracts with the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) to handle the eligibility and application process for Kentucky Medicaid. Apply for all public assistance programs by visiting the kynect website or by calling the DCBS Call Center toll free at (855) 306-8959.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Medicaid is a program for families and individuals who have income and resources within the established guidelines. Resources only apply to the aged, blind or disabled population within the established guidelines.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Medicaid is a program for families and individuals who have income and resources within the established guidelines. Resources only apply to the aged, blind or disabled population within the established guidelines.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Medicaid Works is a program for people with disabilities who work. Under this program, workers with disabilities who earn less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level can pay a monthly premium to buy into the Medicaid program.
Seniors, Adults, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
This program administers payment for some medically necessary therapeutic foods, formulas, supplements and low-protein modified food products for all eligible residents of the commonwealth.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Michelle P. Waiver is a home- and community-based waiver program of the Kentucky Medicaid program developed as an alternative to institutional care for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The waiver allows individuals to remain in their homes with services and supports.
Seniors, Adults, Providers, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Microprocessors must grow a primary product ingredient. Microprocessed food products may be sold at farmers markets, certified roadside stands or from the microprocessor facility. Several steps are required before your application may be submitted to the Food Safety Branch.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
MIIW services are community-based, in-home waiver services for an individual who is dependent on a ventilator 12 hours or greater per day, meets High Intensity nursing care services 24 hours per day and would otherwise require nursing facility level of care in a hospital-based nursing facility.
Seniors, Adults, Families, Providers, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
The National Background Check Program is a one-stop shop for all required child care background checks. All child care staff must have background checks.
Children, Families, Providers, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
The Health Care Access Branch works cooperatively with the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) to bring health care professionals to underserved communities.
Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs manages the state Newborn Hearing Screening Program which ensures all newborns receive a hearing screening before leaving the hospital. Newborn hearing screening is the first step in identifying infants with hearing loss and prescribing follow-up care.
Children, Providers, Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs (OCSHCN)
The Newborn Screening Program helps determine if a baby has certain health disorders.
Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Nutrition Program for the Elderly provides one nutritionally balanced home-delivered or congregate dining-style meal per day. Additional services include nutrition screening, education and counseling.
Seniors, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
Participant Directed Services (PDS) allows people eligible for Medicaid waiver services to choose their own providers for nonmedical waiver services. Provider choice gives members greater flexibility in the delivery of services received.
Seniors, Adults, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
Participant Directed Services (PDS) allows waiver participants to choose a provider for their non-medical waiver services, giving them greater freedom of choice, flexibility and control over their supports and services. Participants can choose to direct some or all of their non-medical waiver services. PDS used to be known as the Consumer Directed Option.
Seniors, Adults, Providers, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
The Personal Care Attendant Program helps severely physically disabled adults at risk of being institutionalized to live in their own homes and communities by subsidizing costs of personal attendant services.
Adults, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
The Public Health Prenatal Program assures access to basic prenatal services through the LHD directly or by referral for those women who meet the following eligibility guidelines: income at or below 185 percent federal poverty level who are uninsured (no private insurance, no Medicaid, no Medicare).
Children, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Kentucky's Tobacco Quitline, 1-800-QUIT NOW, offers one-on-one proactive counseling for tobacco users who are ready to quit using tobacco products.
Adults, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Radon Program is involved in education and awareness programs for citizens including exhibits and staff presentations, responding to phone and e-mail inquiries and distributing radon awareness literature.
Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Epi Rapid Responders are a small group of multi-disciplinary investigators who mount immediate, comprehensive response to reports of disease outbreaks. Teams ordinarily include a nurse, environmentalist and epidemiologist at the local health department level.
Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Local health departments issue permits to qualified retail food operations like grocery stores, restaurants, temporary operations, concessions, food trucks and micro markets.
Providers, Licenses & Certifications, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The intent of the Kentucky HIV/AIDS Care Coordinator Program (KHCCP) is to help provide prompt, consistent, continued quality care and services to HIV-infected individuals and their families. Care coordinators in seven regional sites assess needs and provide services. These regional ensure statewide access to local services.
Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides training and part-time employment opportunities to low-income people 55 and older.
Adults, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
The primary goal of the Kentucky Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Counseling and Testing program is to prevent the spread and resulting effects of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection.
Seniors, Adults, Department for Public Health (DPH)
SNAP Education (SNAP Ed) delivers nutritional education to individuals receiving SNAP benefits.
Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START) START is an intensive child welfare program for families with co-occurring substance use and child maltreatment delivered in an integrated manner with local addiction treatment services.
Adults, Children, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
The Kentucky State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides information, counseling and assistance to seniors and disabled individuals, their families and caregivers. This service is provided at no charge by local, well-trained counselors.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
Services include treatment, overdose prevention and harm reduction to help individuals impacted by SUD/OUD.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, helps people with little or no money buy food for healthy meals at participating stores. SNAP benefits increase a household's food buying power when added to the household's money.
Adults, Children, Families, Department for Community Based Services (DCBS)
Supports for Community Living (SCL) is a Kentucky Medicaid program home- and community-based waiver to help individuals remain in or return to the community in the least restrictive setting.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Medicaid Services (DMS)
Syringe exchange programs are designed to mitigate a number of public health issues, including emergence of a new HIV epidemic.
Adults, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
Each year more than 8,000 Kentuckians die of illnesses caused by tobacco use.
Adults, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The TBI Trust Fund was established to provide flexible funding and support to those with brain injuries. The fund supports supplemental community-based efforts to meet the special needs of each individual with a brain injury.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)
The state TB prevention program aims to elliminate TB as a public health issue.
Seniors, Adults, Children, Families, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The WIC Vendor Management Section screens applications from authorized retailers, contracts with vendors to accept WIC food instruments, processes vendor claims and monitors retail grocers and drug stores for compliance with federal and state requirements. This site provides WIC vendors, vendor applicants and WIC coordinators easy access to needed forms and information pertaining to the WIC Vendor Management Section.
Adults, Children, Families, Providers, Department for Public Health (DPH)
The Kentucky Women's Cancer Screening Program provides breast and cervical screening and follow-up services, professional education, public education, outreach, quality assurance and surveillance.
Adults, Department for Public Health (DPH)