Quitting Tobacco

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Most people who use tobacco products say they want to quit. The Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program [URL] can help.

The program offers several free tools to help people quit using tobacco products, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.

Many of these resources take the form of quitlines: phone numbers that users can call or text to get personalized coaching on how to quit tobacco for good. Anyone in Kentucky can use these services at no cost, with no referral needed from a healthcare provider.

People who use a quitline are more likely to quit for good than people who try to quit smoking on their own. One study found using a quitline can double the chances of quitting successfully.

A side-by-side comparison of Kentucky's free quitlines [PDF] is available in addition to the information below.

Quit Now​​​​ ​​Kentucky

Quit Now Kentucky offers confidential, one-on-one coaching for Kentuckians who want to quit tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, dip and chew. The coaches at Quit Now Kentucky can help you make a plan to quit, manage nicotine cravings and get back on track if you have setbacks. Some people even are eligible for free nicotine replacement therapy like nicotine patches, gum or lozenges.

Quit Now Kentucky is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Coaching is available by phone or online chat in English, Spanish and many other languages. Coaching also is available for those with hearing impairments. Quit Now Kentucky is available to people of all ages. Extra resources may be available for callers who are uninsured, pregnant, younger than 25 or on Medicare as well as those who live in public housing or have a behavioral health condition like depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder.

This Quit Now Kentucky Cessation Services Fact Sheet​ [PDF] explains the services offered by Quit Now Kentucky. Quit Now Kentucky Cessation Services Fact Sheet​-Spanish [PDF].

To learn more about Quit Now Kentucky:

Call (800) QUIT-NOW or (800) 784-8669) | Llame al (855) DEJELO-YA o (855) 335-3569
Text QUITNOW to 333888
Online go to Quit Now Kentucky [URL]

My ​​Life, My Quit

While Quit Now Kentucky provides free help to people of all ages, high school and middle school students may want to try My Life, My Quit, a free, confidential quitline for Kentuckians 17 and younger. My Life, My Quit coaches are trained to work with adolescents to help them manage peer pressure and other challenges related to vaping and other tobacco use.

My Life, My Quit is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Coaching is available by text message, phone or online chat. The news release [PDF] announcing the launch of the service in November 2019 offers more information.

To learn more about My Life, My Quit:
Call (855) 891-9989
Text START MY QUIT to 36072
Online go to My Life, My Quit [URL]

I​​​nformation for Health Care Providers

Physicians, dentists and other health care providers can make a big difference in helping their patients quit tobacco. Research shows tobacco users who are encouraged to quit by their health care providers are more motivated than those who are not. Some patients believe using tobacco is okay when their health care providers don't encourage them to quit.

A doctor referral is not needed to enroll in Quit Now Kentucky or My Life, My Quit. However, the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program encourages health care providers to talk to their patients directly about quitting smoking, vaping or using other tobacco products. Health care provider referrals can help patients take the important first step of enrolling in a quitline.

For more information about Quit Now Kentucky services please see the Health Care Providers Fact Sheet [PDF].

Referring Patients to Kentucky's Tobacco Quitlines

Patients can be referred to Quit Now Kentucky through:

Patients can be referred to My Life, My Quit through web referrals on the My Life, My Quit website​ [URL]. 

All information is confidential. However, healthcare providers can receive feedback on their referrals by using the fax referral form or e-referral process with the patient's consent.

R​​esources for Talking to Patients About Quitting Tobacco​

To order promotional materials for Quit Now Kentucky or My Life, My Quit, please ​submit a promotional materials request [URL] or email the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program [EMAIL].​

Qu​​it Now Kentucky Works

Each year, Quit Now Kentucky helps hundreds of Kentuckians quit smoking.  A recent analysis found that for every $1 invested in quitline services, there is a return on investment​ [PDF] of more than $4. For more information, please review the Quit Now Kentucky annual reports below: