Tobacco-Free Schools

​​​The 100% Tobacco Free Schools initiative provides support to policies that prohibit tobacco use (including e-cigarettes) by staff, students and visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, inside board-owned buildings and vehicles, on school-owned property and during school-sponsored student trips and activities.

The primary goals of tobacco-free schools policies are reducing exposure to secondhand smoke and encouraging tobacco-product users to consume less of the addictive product. The more significant long-term effect of these policies is to reduce youth tobacco use by reducing student exposure to tobacco use as an acceptable behavior by role models important to their development.

Tobacco Free Schools Tookits

In September 2021, all Kentucky schools serving sixth grade and older will receive a free toolkit to help staff address e-cigarette use. The toolkit includes evidence-based prevention curricula, tools to help kids and adults quit tobacco products,  posters and business cards for My Life, My Quit and guidance on developing and enforcing tobacco-free school policies. Ask your principal about the Tobacco-Free Schools Toolkit or email the Kentucky Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program at

Legislative update

In 2019, the Kentucky legislature passed HB 11, a statewide 100% Tobacco-Free School bill that gives school districts the opportunity to pass tobacco-free school policies. HB 11 language prohibits tobacco use by students, staff and visitors on all school property. Adult tobacco use is prohibited in the presence of students on school-sponsored trips.

We have provided a model language policy that has stronger language that prohibits tobacco use by all staff and visitors on school-sponsored student trips. We encourage schools to adopt this stronger and more comprehensive language. We have also provided a document on enforcing 100% Tobacco Free School policies. This guide will offer tips and hints on how other school districts have successfully implemented policy.

Values and Benefits of a Tobacco-Free School

  • Provides positive role modeling by adult employees and visitors.
  • Reduces children's observation of tobacco use and takes a firm stand against it.
  • Supports prevention messages delivered in classrooms.
  • Provides safe environments for students by reducing their exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • Complies with federal legislation prohibiting smoking in school buildings.