Regulation Updates

December 6, 2023​

902 KAR 20:036 - Operations and Services; Personal Care Homes

This amendment is necessary to align with the passage of SB110 which was passed in the 2023 session, which amended KRS 194A.705(2)(c) and requires all long-term care facilities that provide basic health and health-related services or dementia care services to ensure that unlicensed staff administering different levels of prescription drugs be trained and licensed in a program certified by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN).  This amendment aligns  with the Third Amended Settlement Agreement (TASA) that was entered by the cabinet on June 21, 2023 with Kentucky Protection & Advocacy as it relates to services provided to individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) and regulations as they pertain to Personal Care Homes (PCHs) and Specialized Personal Care Homes (SPCHs).​

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