Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP)

​​​​​The Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) is a new type of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit. 

ESAP has a goal of increasing SNAP participation among the elderly and disabled by simplifying some processes, such as: 

  • Removing the interview requirement at recertification;​
  • Using data matches to verify information so the applicant doesn’t have to provide as many documents;
  • Giving a standard medical deduction as long as out-of-pocket medical expenses are incurred; and​
  • Certifying eligible households for 36 months.  ​


ESAP is limited to elderly and/or disabled households with no earned income. Children can be present in the household, but not other adult household members.
When a household applies for SNAP or initiates a SNAP recertification, eligibility is run for both SNAP and ESAP. The household will receive a notice within 30 days informing them if they have been approved, and if so, which benefit they will get, SNAP or ESAP.  

ESAP households will receive a standard medical deduction amount as long as they verify that they incur out-of-pocket medical expenses. 


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