Milk Safety Branch

​​Our mission is to protect consumers by preventing the sale of adulterated, misbranded or falsely advertised milk and milk products.

Our mission statement is carried out through several mandated inspection programs. Our staff regularly inspects dairy farms in Kentucky, all milk trucks and dairy processing facilities and certifies all persons in Kentucky responsible for collecting, sampling and handling raw milk. Our office maintains records for enforcement of laboratory analysis of raw milk and finished dairy products. The Milk Safety Branch conducts regular milk sanitation ratings to allow interstate shipment of milk and dairy products.

The responsibility of the Milk Safety Branch, both currently and in the future, is and should be to protect the health and well being of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We are doing this with the assistance and complete cooperation of the dairy industry in Kentucky.

Programs and Services

​​Certificates for Free Sale or Export

Dairy manufacturers in Kentucky with a valid permit to operate may request certificates for free sale or export directly from the Food Safety Branch.

Certificates for Free Sale or Export web page