Health Facility and Services data is a collection of records describing a single inpatient stay or outpatient encounter in Kentucky. The data come from Kentucky hospitals (inpatient, outpatient and emergency department) and ambulatory facilities (ambulatory surgery center, ambulatory care center, specialized medical technology services provider or mobile health services provider).
Annual Administrative Claims Data Reports
Annual reports are published using this data, related to cardiac catheterizations, inpatient hospitalizations and emergency department encounters. See the Administrative Claims Data Reports in the drop down box in the right column.
Inpatient Records
This data includes all hospital inpatient discharges. Each record includes demographic data (gender, age, state, county, race, ethnicity and zip code of residence), a unique hospital identifier, hospital stay data (admission type and source, length of stay, diagnoses codes, procedure codes, discharge status and total charges) and grouping codes (major diagnostic category, Medicare severity - diagnosis related group.) Personal identifying information, such as name, address and Social Security number are not collected.
Outpatient Records
This data includes all hospital outpatient and emergency department encounters and all visits and procedures completed at ambulatory surgery centers, ambulatory care centers, specialized medical technology service providers and mobile health service providers. Each record includes demographic data (gender, age group, state, county, race and ethnicity), a unique facility identifier, diagnosis codes and procedure information.
Available Data
This data is available to the public through two different methods. A public use version of the data is available for purchase or you can submit a data request for an aggregate summary on a particular topic.
Public Use Dataset
Public use datasets can be purchased three ways:
- You can request and pay for the datasets through the federally maintained
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) database, a federal-state-industry partnership managing a family of healthcare databases. HCUP state datasets are uniform to allow researchers to easily combine and contrast data from multiple states. The datasets also include additional analyses not available through CHFS.
- You can request and pay for the datasets online through the
Public Use Dataset Online Request Form (additional fee included for online payment) or submit the completedPublic Use Dataset Hardcopy Request Form, read and agree to the details of the
Agreement For Use of Kentucky Health Claims Data and pay by postal mail.
Public use datasets are provided in CSV format. Due to the size of the files, recipients are advised to use software such as SAS, Tableau or SQL capable of handling large datasets. Further details of the public use datasets can be found below:
Public Use Dataset File Layout
Public Use Dataset Lookup Table
Public Use Dataset Technical Notes
2020 HFSD Advisory Note
Cost per dataset
Non-profit: $500
All Others: $1,500
Request for Aggregate Data
The Office of Data Analytics responds to request for data analysis and aggregate data reports. To submit a data request, please complete our online data request form. Currently, aggregated data requests are provided at no charge. Further details related to the data used for data requests can be found below:
Healthcare Facilities and Services Data Variables
2021 Reporting Facilities
Aggregate Data Request Technical Notes
Complete Request for Aggregate Data
Health Facilities and Service Data Contact
Michael LawsonHealthcare
Data Administrator, Office of Data Analytics