
KY-Electronic Public Health Record System is an Internet-based, centralized repository used by health care professionals to record Kentucky public health data. To protect personal information, technologies such as secure socket layer and role-based access are used to ensure information confidentiality and patient privacy.

KY-Child Login

KY-CHILD (Kentucky Child Hearing Immunization and Laboratory Data) is used by the 56 Kentucky birthing facilities as well as Kentucky licensed midwives to begin a child health record. Using one system to collect birth information helps eliminate duplication of data and ensures data integrity among public health programs.

If your have any questions or concerns using KY-CHILD, please contact the KY-CHILD helpdesk by phone at (877) 545-6175 or email.

Attention Licensed Midwives: You now can register and file birth certificate information online. Please sign up for a Kentucky Online Gateway account and enroll in KY-CHILD to register a live birth.